
Things I write down before I forget.

  1. LLM Prompting for Software Development

  2. Important People in AI History

  3. AI's Role in Curing the Loneliness Epidemic

  4. What Does the World Look Like when Everyone Has a 10,000 IQ?

  5. What's the Point of Negative Feedback?

  6. When Faster Horses Are the Right Call

  7. Where Are the Crypto Devs?

  8. Are We Preparing Our Children to Be Surveilled?

  9. To Be Thoroughly Worn Out

  10. Our Country, Governed by Soda Machine Politics

  11. How to Create a Job

  12. Just Following Orders

  13. How I Stay Present in a Zoom Call

  14. Playing a Bad Hand

  15. Larping with a Preschooler